Thursday, July 8, 2010

Saving Up For Christmas Without Using A Cent

Here is another great way that I've found to earn free stuff, and who doesn't love free stuff? Many of you have probably already heard of Swagbucks, but the big question is, are you using it? If not, you're missing out on possibly the easiest way to earn cash in your pocket. 

If you aren't familiar with Swagbucks, here's the lowdown, it's a website that you sign up for, install their toolbar, use their search engine and you earn "Swagbucks". These swagbucks are then stored in your account and as you rack up the bucks you can then spend them in the swagstore. In the store there are tons of different ways to spend your bucks, including amazon gift cards, and gift cards to just about anywhere else you can imagine. At this moment I have 1868 Swagbucks, my plan is to keep racking them up until about November when I will then trade them in for some "free" Christmas gifts. 

There are many ways you can earn the bucks, by using their search engine and just searching, you can randomly be awarded bucks. I typically will do random searches at least once a day and walk away with anywhere from 5 to 25 bucks, but you can get more. They also have a daily poll that you can participate in and earn 1 buck. They also have surveys you can take that can earn you hundreds of bucks if you qualify, but just for checking out the surveys page each day they'll give you a buck. Also, for filling out the surveys on your profile you earn from 5-25 bucks (there are probably at least a dozen of these).

So you see, there's lots of easy ways to earn these free bucks. So what are you waiting for? Go here and check it out!


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