Friday, July 2, 2010

Economical and Safe Flea Treatment for Dogs

We are the somewhat proud owners of a pathetic looking little miniature schnauzer. No, just kidding, we love our Lucy, but when she squirms when I'm grooming her she does end up looking pretty pathetic. Well, being that it's finally summer that means it's time for flea preventative treatments. I first called my vet to find out how much this was going to cost us and in the course of the conversation the girl on the other end said something that really bothered me. She told me that they don't recommend one of the treatments because it is toxic to children. I thought, "and the other one isn't?" So I began to research. And lo and behold there is quite a bit of controversy surrounding these spot treatments for dogs. Being that I have small children at home, in particular one little 18 month old that loves her puppy immensely and shows that love by mauling her at times, I became more than a little concerned about giving my dog this treatment.

I started looking up natural treatments and came across an all natural, simple and very inexpensive treatment. This treatment not only put my mind at ease with regards to the chemicals, but it also saved us $16! 

Here is the link to the article I read that also has the recipe for the treatment.

With just a little work you could save yourself over $50 just in the summer months, and if you're in the south where you have to use treatment year round that savings jumps to around $200! Wow!


Unknown said...

Hi Becky,

We're glad that you found our HOW TO article on natural flea and tick remedies so helpful! We also appreciate you spreading the word and hope your pooches are enjoying a wonderful summer, tick and flea-free!

Woofs and wags,

Linda C.

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