Friday, July 16, 2010

Going Out to Eat... Cheap, Cheap, Cheap!

It's summer time and that means kids, kids, kids! I love my kids, they're the greatest, but I gotta be honest - I am really looking forward to getting away from them for a bit tonight! Tonight is date night! Woo-hoo! As exciting as date night sounds, it can cause me a lot of stress. Stress because we really don't have any extra cash to be spending on dining out! And I DO NOT want to eat at McDonald's! So what's a mom to do?!! That's what. This is perhaps one of THE greatest things I have come across to help you stay sane on a tight budget. is a place where you can buy gift certificates to local restaurants and super discounted prices. Just last week I bought 2 $25 gift certificates for a total of $4 - yes, you read that right $4! That's $50 worth of food for $4!! So, what's the catch? Well, here's the deal...

First of all you won't find chain restaurants on the site - mainly smaller, locally owned restaurants use this to bring in business, but I personally think that's a good thing. We should be helping our local businesspeople! 

Second, there are conditions that apply so you have to read those carefully. For example, some will have only certain days that you can use the certificate. I think all of them have a certain amount of money that you have to spend, tonight we have to spend at least $35 to use our $25 cert. They also automatically add in your tip, I think to protect the servers so that someone doesn't tip them on the $10 they spend rather than the $35 they actually ate. But these are all very and easy conditions to adhere to, in my opinion.

Usually the certificates run about $10 for a $25, but quite frequently they run 80% off sales, that is the only time I've ever purchased them, so then I spend $2 for a $25 cert! To be notified of the sales you can sign up here...  

Also many of those blogs I told you about will let you know as well. This is a great opportunity to get out of the house on the cheap, and support local businesses! So tonight's date night will not be stressful because we'll be eating dinner at a sit down, someone else serve me restaurant for less than what it would cost to go to McDonald's - you can't beat that! 


Thursday, July 8, 2010

Saving Up For Christmas Without Using A Cent

Here is another great way that I've found to earn free stuff, and who doesn't love free stuff? Many of you have probably already heard of Swagbucks, but the big question is, are you using it? If not, you're missing out on possibly the easiest way to earn cash in your pocket. 

If you aren't familiar with Swagbucks, here's the lowdown, it's a website that you sign up for, install their toolbar, use their search engine and you earn "Swagbucks". These swagbucks are then stored in your account and as you rack up the bucks you can then spend them in the swagstore. In the store there are tons of different ways to spend your bucks, including amazon gift cards, and gift cards to just about anywhere else you can imagine. At this moment I have 1868 Swagbucks, my plan is to keep racking them up until about November when I will then trade them in for some "free" Christmas gifts. 

There are many ways you can earn the bucks, by using their search engine and just searching, you can randomly be awarded bucks. I typically will do random searches at least once a day and walk away with anywhere from 5 to 25 bucks, but you can get more. They also have a daily poll that you can participate in and earn 1 buck. They also have surveys you can take that can earn you hundreds of bucks if you qualify, but just for checking out the surveys page each day they'll give you a buck. Also, for filling out the surveys on your profile you earn from 5-25 bucks (there are probably at least a dozen of these).

So you see, there's lots of easy ways to earn these free bucks. So what are you waiting for? Go here and check it out!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Economical and Safe Flea Treatment for Dogs

We are the somewhat proud owners of a pathetic looking little miniature schnauzer. No, just kidding, we love our Lucy, but when she squirms when I'm grooming her she does end up looking pretty pathetic. Well, being that it's finally summer that means it's time for flea preventative treatments. I first called my vet to find out how much this was going to cost us and in the course of the conversation the girl on the other end said something that really bothered me. She told me that they don't recommend one of the treatments because it is toxic to children. I thought, "and the other one isn't?" So I began to research. And lo and behold there is quite a bit of controversy surrounding these spot treatments for dogs. Being that I have small children at home, in particular one little 18 month old that loves her puppy immensely and shows that love by mauling her at times, I became more than a little concerned about giving my dog this treatment.

I started looking up natural treatments and came across an all natural, simple and very inexpensive treatment. This treatment not only put my mind at ease with regards to the chemicals, but it also saved us $16! 

Here is the link to the article I read that also has the recipe for the treatment.

With just a little work you could save yourself over $50 just in the summer months, and if you're in the south where you have to use treatment year round that savings jumps to around $200! Wow!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

If You're Going on a Trip, You'd Better Have a Map

We are at the start of this journey to freedom. But how do we get from here to there? Where to start? If we don't have a plan we'll blink and six months later we'll find we're still standing here in the same spot, or even worse, we'll have gone the opposite direction that we intended, incurring more debt.

I am by no means an expert when it comes to any of these things, but I am determined to get to my final destination. I'm sure you have heard and read just like I have how to cut back on your expenses and save money ie. ditch the cable, cancel magazine subscriptions, grow a garden etc. So, moving on from those things I'm going to share with you my most favorite things that have saved me tons of money, even gotten me freebies! Are you ready? It may seem overwhelming at first, but relax, take a deep breath and believe in yourself and your dreams.

Couponing, no it's not a bad word, it's not something only your mother did, it is quite possibly the answer you've been looking for! It will take some work, but just like going to a job produces a paycheck, working a little at couponing will produce a paycheck of sorts on your grocery bill. 

First things first, you're going to want to set up an e-mail account specifically for the special offers etc. that you sign up for. You do not want these e-mails coming to your personal account. 

Second, there are several bloggers that I follow on their blog site as well as on facebook. I highly recommend following these ladies, they will alert you to great deals, available coupons and free samples. You can also sign up to receive their e-mails where you can look at everything all in one place. I have received so many great samples, free dog food and treats, shampoo and conditioner, lipstick, ear plugs, bags, medical, feminine products, diapers the list goes on and on. Yes, you will have to register with many places (how else are they going to ship you something), but I never give my real phone number.

For The Mommas -
Money Saving Mom -
Mojo Savings -
Greedy Gals -
Mommy Snacks -

That's a good start!

Next! Building up your coupons and organizing them...

Make sure you buy your Sunday paper (some people buy 2 or 3 depending on how great the coupons are, but I only get one). There are a couple different trains of thought when it comes to actually cutting out the coupons, here's mine...

I cut out every coupon in the paper, whether I think I'm going to use it or not. You never know when an awesome deal is going to come along and because you have a coupon, you could get something for change or free! It really doesn't take all that long to clip the coupons, and then once a week I file them.

Now, there are several different schools of organization as well. You can research them online and find what works best for you. In a nutshell, here is what I have done (I will do another post at a later time with more specific details.)

I use a plastic shoe box turned the long way. I made dividers out of card stock and labeled them according to coupon categories ie. dairy, paper, meat etc. Then behind the dividers I have an envelope that I have cut the top flap and one side off of. Within the envelope there are more sections for instance, behind the paper divider I have an envelope that has dividers inside it labeled, toilet, towels etc. This makes it super easy to find what you need fast.

Like I said, it takes a little bit of trial and error to find what works for you, but this whole set up process is the most difficult part, once you've got that figured out you're good to go! And remember, this is an investment of your time and it will produce financial rewards for you! It's NOT a waste of your time!

I also have subscribed to and use Savings Angel. This is a website that does all the work of matching up sales and coupons for you. You simply choose your store and start looking at what deals are out there. It will tell you if the coupon you need was in a paper circular, or if it's something you can print, which in that case, it will give you a link to go print the coupon. You can even print your shopping list, arrange it how you want etc. This website has saved me lots of money and work! Plus, once you sign up, and then start telling others about it, if they sign up under you, you earn cash back! Yes cash! They deposit it into a paypal account for you! So, essentially, you could be using the site for free! Check it out!
Well, that's probably enough info for one post - I'll have more to come! stay tuned! And tell your friends to join us on the journey! I can't wait to share and hear all the awesome things God does on this journey!