Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Building of My Faith

Over the last few weeks, and even months, I believe that God has really been building my faith to lead up to this moment. God has never failed me, ever. I have never had my children go without clothing, food or a warm, safe bed. God has provided everything I need, every day of my life. So, it seems kind of funny that I need my faith built up, doesn't it? But, I am human.

So, a couple of months ago I was introduced to the world of couponing. It was love at first sight. I began following blogs, joined a coupon site and have been happily clipping and saving ever since. I can't tell you how many free samples I've received, coupons for free product, free gifts etc. Going to the mailbox has become a highlight of my day! Just this week in the mail I've received, free dog treats, free dog food, medical samples, coupons for free shampoo, free weight watchers, free bread. I also received a gift card to Target that I won for entering a contest. A $5 rebate check and I'm sure I'm forgetting some! These things have been such a huge blessing!

Then this week, as Brian and I made the commitment to paying off this bill, God blessed us with a grocery store gift card. Then one night on the way home from church, we saw money literally cross the road in front of us. We stopped and picked it up... gas money! We started cleaning out all the places where we stuffed things after our move and have found things to post on Craigslist, things still in bags that were never opened and still had the receipt so we could return them, and things we thought we were going to have to buy again because we couldn't find them, thus, saving us money! 

All of these little and seemingly insignificant things, to me, are the sweet beckonings of the voice of my Father saying, "I've got you. Step out in faith. I've got you." My faith is being built up, one coupon, one sample, one gift at a time. It is sweet and exciting. And had I not recognized it as my Father, I might have just written it off as luck.

Sit back and think for a minute. Are there faith building nuggets that God has sent your way that you may have overlooked? On this journey it's way too dangerous to drive with your eyes shut, so keep those baby blues (or browns or greens) wide open and see how your Father encourages you!



a spiritual thread runs through said...

I'm right there with ya, gal! It didn't take overnight for us to incur this debt, and it won't take overnight to get out, but, when our hearts are contrite and we are willing to change our spending habits to bring Him honor, He is faithful to bring us into freedom! My hearts cry! "FREEDOM!"

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