Monday, June 28, 2010

The Journey Begins

For as long as I've had money in my pocket, there has always been a hole smoldering in my jeans. My intense love of having and doing whatever I wanted has led to a sad, pitiful state of being, of which I know I am not the only one. My lack of budgeting and self-control has left me and my family in a dire state of needing a big change. It is painful to type those words. But the reality is even more painful. This place that I now find myself in never had to be a visit on my life tour. And now I find that I haven't just visited this place, I have set up camp and made sure that we stayed here. Well, I'm ready to move out! 

I'm packing up and making a travel plan. And I am putting on my best walking shoes, because I am starting down the road to freedom. Freedom from debt. Freedom from living paycheck to paycheck. Freedom from sleepless nights over bills. Freedom from stressful bank registers. Freedom from being angry with myself. Freedom from, well, freedom from this prison that I have locked myself into. 

Now, what has ultimately brought this journey to me is the fact that we have to come up with an extra $400-500 a month for the next 6 months to pay off a bill. Well, I can tell you right now, we don't have an extra $400-500 a month! So what then? I don't know. I guess that's part of the journey. 

Here's what I do know. I am responsible to pay the debts I have incurred. I have been called by God to be a stay at home mom. My husband has been called by God to work for a church. I cannot make this work on paper. With God all things are possible.

Those are the basics. And I am at the place where I am to do whatever I can to make this work and I am going to trust God that He is going to meet me, guide me, instruct me and work miracles for me.

When I looked at our budget the only non-fixed payments were food and gas. Seeing as how I have yet to figure out how to make my van drive on water, that's kind of a fixed amount each month as well, I just don't get a bill in the mail for it. So that leaves food. We have 3 children, and let me tell you, I hear, "I'm hungry, what can I have to eat?" at least 10 times a day! So the thought of cutting back on food, when I already feel like I'm cutting back on food is not appealing to say the least. 

God never promised to pay Capital One for me, but He did promise that He would feed and clothe me and my family. So that's what I'm banking on here. 

"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they?" Matthew 6:25-26

Thus starts the journey. From what I can figure, we have about $60-70 a week for groceries (I don't know whether to laugh or cry). This means serious menu planning, couponing and creativity. This budget doesn't allow for the fact that my son's birthday is coming, school will be starting, Christmas etc. This budget doesn't allow for anything to go wrong with the car or someone's body. This budget doesn't allow for much at all. This is where I put my trust in God, not this budget. 

I am excited to see how God provides for us. I am excited to see our bills get paid off. I am hopeful to be an encouragement to others and to have others encourage me. I will share in another post soon how God has already this week provided in some pretty amazing ways, He really is faithful.

I would love to have company on this journey, wanna come?



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